Shenzhen Dimusheng Energy Technology Co. Ltd

The TIMXON team recently embarked on a team building adventure in Qingyuan

The TIMXON team recently embarked on a team building adventure in Qingyuan, which proved to be an exciting and memorable experience for everyone involved. As our team has continued to grow and expand, this event allowed us to strengthen our bonds and foster a greater sense of unity. Throughout our time in Qingyuan, we engaged in a variety of team building exercises that challenged us to work together and support each other. We also enjoyed some downtime, exploring the natural beauty of the area and bonding over delicious meals. Of course, the highlight of our adventure was the thrilling rafting excursion, which saw us navigate through rapids and bends together as one cohesive unit.This exhilarating experience left all of us feeling energized and accomplished. Overall, the TIMXON team building training in Qingyuan was a great success. We grew stronger, more unified, and more motivated to achieve our goals. And most importantly, we had a lot of fun doing it. We can't wait to see what new adventures and challenges await us in the future!




